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Bhatinda Falls Jharkhand

Bhatinda Fall Jharkhand
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Bhatinda Fall

Arrival At Dhanbad

Enjoying the beauty of the waterfall in the rainy season is like sitting on a stormy and rainy night and eating fried hilsa fish with hot khichuri. Even after making so many plans when I could not make up my trip to Ranchi due to some environmental reasons, I felt distressed. Time was flying away.Durga Puja passed away and it was the beginning of October. It’s time to say goodbye to the rains also. Finally, ignoring Dasham, Johna, Hundru, Sita’s handcuffs for this year, I responded to the call of much little-known Bhatinda waterfalls near Dhanbad.

I arrived at Dhanbad station at around 11.40 am as Black Diamond was late. Ratan Vihar of Jharkhanad Tourism is located on the main road itself. I had already done the bookings online from Kolkata through their website ( I reached Ratan Bihar after walking for ten minutes. This place is is much hotter than Kolkata. After taking a bath and completing my lunch I went out at 3 o’clock for Bhatinda.

Bhatinda Waterfalls

Bargaining with auto driver, I finalized the deal to visit Bhatinda and Birsa Munda Park for 600 rupees. Its 18 km road from the hotel to Bhatinda. Auto here means big auto or tempo. 10 people can accommodate in those autos. As soon as we left the station premises, the view around began to change. High mounds of coal can be seen in the distance on both sides of the road. There are probably mines on the other side. A strange thick smoke is noticeable in the air and in the sky.

I observed many people traveling with their noses and mouth masked. We crossed the Putki market through that toxic smoke of Coal Mines and reached Mundihi. The next stretch of the road was quite beautiful. Last 3-4 km was a bumpy road through the village but for the eye it was a treat as I could see the rural life of Jharkhand in this part. My Jharkhand auto driver was cruising through those rough roads boldly like a jumping jack and it seemed he is least bothered about whether my spinal cord is at its place or not! In the meantime I tried to ignore the roar of the auto opened all ears if I could get some sounds of the waterfall.

At a dead end, the auto stopped. A sign board caught my eye which read “Bhatinda Waterfalls”. But when I stepped down from the auto I neither found any waterfalls nor any  sound of water. A concrete paved road ended in front of a temple. A gate and a park under construction caught my eye. I understood that the Jharkhand government has been kind to the place very recently. Next to the temple I found a small house, with the temple priest and another villager sitting in front of it. I approached them anxiously. A wide rocky road runs down the slope between the temple and the small house. The priest showed me that narrow rocky path when I asked where the falls is located. So I climbed down that rocky terrain.


Bhatinda falls jharkhand temple

Temple on the way to fall

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand first view

The first view

Bhatinda falls jharkhand three tier

Layers of Bhatinda falls


After climbing down 8-10 steps I got  spellbound in what I saw in front of me!!! The full view of  Bhatinda Falls unleashed just in front of me and its is calling me with all its beauty and a rhythmic sound. The rocky road seemed to be a part of that beauty.

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand first view

The first view

This waterfall is so easily approachable that its unthinkable. It’s like someone suddenly putting a huge photo frame in front of me. I am very small, compared to the size of that photo frame. The only difference with the photo frame hanging on the wall of the house is that I can enter into this real frame easily if I want to and get lost in a dream world. It is unbelievable that such an immense  natural beauty exists so close to an industrial city!

Bhatinda fall Jharkhand

I went further closer. Bhatinda is called a 3 tier waterfalls. Literally it is so. It is clearly visible that the waterfall is descending in three steps and flowing on the plane.

Three tiers of Bhatinda falls Jhrkhand

Three tiers of Bhatinda fall

Bhatinda falls jharkhand waters

Waters of Bhatinda fall

The height of the waterfall is low, but its wide in dimension. The rocks are so easily approachable that it may seem like in a few steps through the rocks you can reach the middle of the water source, but it’s not at all advisable to go out for that venture. The temple priest had already warned me of this. Besides, I don’t think there is any need to jump on a waterfall to enjoy its beauty. The place is also a paradise for photography. In the wee hours of daylight Bhatinda is flowing fluently with a golden tinge over its water. It looked as if molten gold is coming down from above.

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand like molten gold

Molten gold


Bhatinda falls Jharkhand cascade

Cascading Bhatinda waterfall

I am now alone in a natural environment amidst the greenery with the chirping of birds and could not locate any other tourist there apart from myself. I did not know how the two hours passed. As I was not carrying any ND filter, so I waited until the daylight dimmed more for some long exposure photography. I captured many frames of the beauty from different angles. Its hard to leave such a place . However, it is better not to stay in this secluded place till dark.

Birsa Munda Park

I climbed up and then we headed towards Birsa Munda Park. When we arrived at the park it was completely dark. However, the park is open till 8.30 am. You have to enter here with a ticket. The covers a huge area and its beautifully decorated. However, the electric light looked a little artificial to me. After spending some time, I came back to Ratan Bihar.

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand Dhanbad Birsa Munda park gate

Bisa Munda park gate

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand Dhanbad birsa munda park statue

Statue of Birsa Munda

Bhatinda falls Jharkhand Dhanbad birsa munda park

Birsa Munda park

Goodbye Bhatinda

The next day at 12 o’clock I checked out and went to Hirapur market in a nearby locality. Return Black Diamond is at 4.25pm. Hence I have a lot of time in hand. I heard from many people that Tiwari Hotel in Hirapur market area is famous for its mutton curry. So I took a rickshaw and dropped in at Tiwari to have my lunch. After lunch here I spent some time in the alleys of the market of Hirapur.

Diwali is approaching and the market place was filled with Diwali gift items, lights & decoratives. I spent quite a bit of time window watching those items. On scheduled time I caught my train back to Kolkata. One thought was haunting me…This beautiful Bhatinda waterfall is so near to Kolkata, but many people are not aware of the place. An afternoon can be spent many more times sitting in seclusion on Bhatinder’s lap.

© Arijit Kar


Best Time To Visit:

Its better to avoid peak summers and monsoons.

How To Reach:

Dhanbad is easily accessible through trains from Kolkata. Black Diamond Exp is the ideal train from Howrah for Dhanbad.

Where To Stay:

Ratan Bihar of Jharkhand tourism has numerous rooms available fitting all budgets and its located in the heart of the city very near to Dhanbad station.

Places Of Interest:

  • Bhatinda waterfalls
  • Birsa Munda park
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3 years ago

Very attractive delineation dada 👌

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