Arijit kar
Professionally I am into financial services industry but travelling and photography has always been my passion. From my matriculation days I was keen to travel a lot with my friends but that was just a dream. Dream became reality when after my ICSE exam I got permission for the first time from my parents to travel without their handholding. Myself and one of my very close friends, Kallol Saha packed our bags for 4N 3D tour to Darjeeling and Gangtok. That was an ice breaker. After that successful trip there followed innumerous trips – Solo Trips and Group Trips. My passion to photography and especially Landscape Photography is like my oxygen to survive. Landscape being the genre, to nourish it I started travelling a lot. So it became a win-win situation for both my passions. In the journey I am blessed to get some wonderful friends with me who are equally akin to take Ghuranchandi to the next levels. As a part of this journey I have also penned down a book on my travel stories in Bengali in the name of “Ghuranchandi (Prothom Parba) availavle online from Amazon.
- 1994
After ICSE first trip to Daejeeling and Gangtok with one of my friends.
- 2014
Started travelling alone in solo trips
- 2016
Got like minded friends and started travelling in groups.
- 2019
Writing down my first book on Travel Stories named Ghuranchandi ( Prothom Parba). Also started videographing our trips.
- 2020
Formed the FB Group Ghuranchandi- The Travel Group with my travel partners. Launched YouTube channel named Ghuranchandi.
- 2021
Published our website www.ghuranchandi.com as a travel blog.
- Future
The journey will continue….